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Ok, so I’ve set up my blog, now what? I really don’t know what to “blog” about and if anyone is interested. I’m just a dreamer lost wallowing in my mind of all the things I want to do in my life. But the main one is becoming a published writer. 

I’ve finally gotten back with the interest of writing again. I have, over the years, written many poems and loads of little snippets of story ideas. I have several notebooks with unfinished thoughts and I’m left wondering where I was going to go with the idea. 

Since I started teaching my son to read, and he has ever expanded his reading career, I have thought I might enjoy writing children’s books…namely picture books. One of the dreams I dabble with is writing a novel of some sort. But that is a monumental task. When I think of this and how to approach it, I am lost. I don’t know how to plot, to develop my characters, or even the story. My first attempt at a short story amounted to a chaotic mess that I am scared to clean up. My mind began at the end, then continued with the beginning, developed something in the middle while I struggled with tying it all together. It came out “ok” in my book. I still have lots of questions. And I know I have some serious housecleaning to do. I will get there. 

I graduated from college with a writing degree, if you can believe that; however, it was more of a journalism degree and I never really was exposed to the creative side of it all. So, no formal education for me on this. This will all be self-taught. I am in the infant stages of this, so any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I wonder if there is an online writer’s group somewhere…..